Sonnet 28

Shakespeare. Sonnet 1

«How can I then return in happy plight,
That am debarr’d the benefit of rest?».

Images of absence, continued from the previous sonnet, show the poet at the point of emotional exhaustion and frustration due to his sleepless nights spent thinking about the young man.

Sonnet 28
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How can I then return in happy plight,
That am debarr’d the benefit of rest?
When day’s oppression is not eased by night,
But day by night, and night by day, oppress’d?
And each, though enemies to either’s reign,
Do in consent shake hands to torture me;
The one by toil, the other to complain
How far I toil, still farther off from thee.
I tell the day, to please them thou art bright
And dost him grace when clouds do blot the heaven:
So flatter I the swart-complexion’d night,
When sparkling stars twire not thou gild’st the even.
But day doth daily draw my sorrows longer
And night doth nightly make grief’s strength seem stronger.

»»» Sonnets introduction
»»» Sonnets complete list

However, even though faced with the young man’s disinterest, the poet still refuses to break away from the youth. He even continues to praise the youth, telling day and night how fortunate they are to be graced by the youth’s presence. The poet’s continued devotion to the young man is not so startling as it might first appear: Writing sonnets of absolute devotion in Elizabethan times was a duty to the source of the poet’s inspiration.

Sonnet 28, therefore, offers the poet’s verse as a duty-offering, a supreme expression of selfless love for an undeserving friend. The opposition between day and night dominates the sonnet. For the poet, neither time alleviates his suffering: “And each, though enemies to either’s reign, / Do in consent shake hands to torture me” with hard work and no sleep. Trying to please the oppressive day and night, the poet tells day that the youth shines brightly even when the sun is hidden; to night, the poet compares the youth to the brightest stars, except that the youth shines even when the stars do not. However, day and night still torment the poet and make “grief’s strength seem stronger.” The poet sinks even further into despair.

««« Sonnet 27
»»» Sonnet 29


English audio from YouTube Channel Socratica

Summary from

»»» Sonnets introduction
»»» Sonnets complete list
